May 1, 2007 11:05 PM
Learn: Broadway South Economic Impact Study
DOWNLOAD THE BROADWAY SOUTH ECONOMIC IMPACT STUDY PDF NOW DOWNLOAD THE BROADWAY SOUTH ECONOMIC IMPACT STUDY PPT NOW Economic Impact of State Tax Credits for Infrastructure and Production Expenditures for State-Certified Musical and/or Theatrical Productions Prepared for Broadway South, LLC...
May 1, 2007 10:33 PM
Learn: House Bill No. 731 - Film and TV Legislation
ENROLLED Regular Session, 2005 ACT No. 456 HOUSE BILL NO. 731 BY REPRESENTATIVES HAMMETT, SALTER, ALARIO, AND DORSEY AND SENATORS HINES, BAJOIE, HEITMEIER, AND MOUNT 1 AN ACT 2 To amend and reenact R.S. 47:1124, 1125.1(A), and 6007(A), (B), (C)(1),...
May 1, 2007 5:44 PM
About Us: Powerpoint Presentation
Learn about the Broadway South initiative through an easy-to-understand presentation. 13:09 minutes 70MB file size The purpose of the legislation is to position Louisiana as a viable alternative to NYC as the leading performing arts center in the country SB...
May 1, 2007 5:41 PM
About Us: Legislative Calendar
The Broadway South initiative involves tax incentive bills that will be voted on by the Louisiana Legislature. Tune in to where the legislative process is. The 2007 Regular Legislative Session will convene at noon on April 30, 2007. Final Adjournment...
May 1, 2007 5:34 PM
About Us: Endorsements
The following individuals have endorsed the Broadway South initiative: Individual Endorsements: Senator Diane Bajoie La. State Representative dbajoie@legis.state.la.us (504) 568-7760 Ralph Brennan Ralph Brennan Group rbrennan@neworleans-food.com (504) 581- 9300 Rep. Karen Carter La. Congressional Representative larep093@legis.state.la.us (504) 568-8346 Shirley Trusty...
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