BROADWAYSouth - Something for Everyone

Monday April 9

Posted by Production Assistant
Filed in Director's Daily Journal

12:00 Noon
In Baton Rouge, I meet with state legislative author Riley Boudreaux to incorporate latest comments from theatre industry into SB 218.

2:00 PM
Meet with Senator Ed Murray and Secretary of Economic Development Mike Oliver
Mr. Oliver has heard from Jerry Luc LeBlanc’s meeting with us a week earlier, is interested in the idea, and in a meeting also attended by the new head of entertainment for the department of economic development Sherri McConnel. Senator Murray and I make the case to Mr. Olivier to support Broadway South. The meeting lasted over an hour as lots of specific questions about costs to the state are raised. By the end of the meeting, we gain Secretary Oliver’s support and recommendation for the idea to the Governor.

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